Let's get tired at the same time tonight
I've been having so much fun!! *grin* lunchtime concert, random treat from a once stranger cum friend of a friend, having beer and chips with my future bosses while signing my contract, catching Astreal at MOS and winning unexpected prizes, buying 3 new cds at $13 (although I am sad the place is closing down), my inaugural appearance on a "nation-wide circulated fashion spread" (as jeremy puts it), drinks and dinner with vina and the girls, night time wanderings at the museum and a free, free-spirited concert in the middle of Raffles Place! *laugh* of course there were the minor upsets and inconveniences, but the good thing about having such a miserable time just a short while before this amazing strings of events is that you become numb and they don't hurt so much anymore!!
Anyway one of the cds I bought was the panthers album! I can't stream it again but I've uploaded it so you can still download it if you want a listen! This is my favourite, from the time I heard the MSTRKRFT remixed version *grin* I love the implicit meanings, though I think maybe I should be a bit alarmed that I find the sleazy pickups rather charming.
I think I’m gonna leave Brooklyn for a while
I think I’m gonna go Oakland for a while
I’m gonna wear shorts and I’m not gonna cry
When I listen to "Wild Horses"
I dig holes all day
We're not searching for a change
We speak in secret languages we can't explain
You didn't
You didn't hurt me yeah
I've got no feelings left
I dig holes all day
You and me we're not the same
We speak in sounds
The secret sounds that secretly slang
Let’s not talk about it
We never did so why start now
Let’s go back to your place and not talk about it there
I was thinking we should sleep in separate beds
But the heat’s gone to my head
Let’s get tired at the same time tonight
Tonight we'll get right
Why did you?
Why did you say the things you did?
I thought you knew that we were through
We'd never start
I thought you
I thought you'd think the things we knew were all brand new
You think you're smart?
You're so smart
Stop fucking
Stop fucking with me and I’ll stop fucking with you too
It’s hard to do
I love you

Panthers | Thanks For The Simulacra
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