Will you be there to embrace me
I thought it was okay but it was like click click click, and then suddenly snip snip snip, everything fell apart again. So easily.
It's sad to be on both sides of the same kind of story. To be both the singer, and the one being sung to. Because I know what you mean. I mean it too. I hear myself repeating what you say to me, but to someone else. I understand how you can be so sure, because I'm sure of it myself.
Yes it's what I'd like to say, and I do. And most of time I believe it. But sometimes I get so affected that I know it's not true. Still, I know it's best to keep the words in.
Words I keep in here
Thoughts that make me scared
Always seem to show
Eyes let me know you know
It's not you it's all me
As if me taking all the blame
Will make you feel much better now
But all lights burn out
What I'd like to say
Is that staying friends is okay
But you and me we know
That in one heart love will grow
It's not you it's all me
As if me taking all the blame
Will make you feel much better now
But all lights burn out
Same time tomorrow when I wake up
Will the violins be playing
When my heart finally opens
Will you be there to embrace me
Because it's all so crazy now
Yeah, it's all so fucked up now
I always thought that I
Find what I lack in you

Last Days Of April | Will The Violins Be Playing?
Streamed sample of the song here, and video here.
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