clouds in my coffee

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I know no one that makes me more happy

I got my first postcard from New Zealand! *grin* Thanks james! I really love receiving mail! The cows and sheep are so cute, they look so placid *laugh*

Here's my favourite Kiwi band - The Brunettes! (Not that I know many other bands from New Zealand *laugh*) They're twee and just so adorable! *tweet* and this is my favourite song from them.

We don't really have that many ducks here, but I can't remember a happier time than feeding fish, and terrapins and all the other random animals they have in the pond! *smile*

Mmm baby
Meet me at the park
I know no one that makes me more happy

Oh baby
Candy oh
I'll be waiting there
It's the closest place to St Elmo's

Candy oh
It's a total K.O.
Such a functional motion
Do the locomotion

And though you're regal
Disillusion halo
Sometimes makes me loco
You're my baby

Holding hands, feeding ducks
When I met you that's what I wanted to do
You in your element
It was a close encounter of the K.O. kind

The Brunettes | Holding Hands, Feeding Ducks

Can't find a streamed version again but here's the video instead! Oh and it's such a coincidence that they're dressed up in costume, considering that it's now Halloween! I want to be a cat!


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