Lots of chocolate for me to eat!
I can totally understand how Eliza Doolittle was convinced to stay and be Henry Higgin's little phonetics experiment by the offer of chocolates -- boxes of them, barrels of them, everyday. You'll live on them eh? *grin* I too, would have given in to temptation if I was in her place!
Bought these yesterday:
1. Wonka Whipple Scrumptious Caramel Delight
2. Newman's Ginger in Dark Chocolate
3. Caramel Wafers (I forgot the brand but they're from Portugal)
Can't stop humming Wouldn't it be Loverly from My Fair Lady now..

Lots of chocolate for me to eat
Lots of coal making lots of heat
Warm hands, warm face, warm feet
Now wouldn't it be loverly!
Bought these yesterday:
1. Wonka Whipple Scrumptious Caramel Delight
2. Newman's Ginger in Dark Chocolate
3. Caramel Wafers (I forgot the brand but they're from Portugal)
Can't stop humming Wouldn't it be Loverly from My Fair Lady now..

Lots of chocolate for me to eat
Lots of coal making lots of heat
Warm hands, warm face, warm feet
Now wouldn't it be loverly!
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